Women of Horror: Luba Hansen (WrestleMassacre, Killer Campout)!!
Hello Grue-Lings,
Today for Women of Horror, we have the lovely Luba Hansen.
Luba was born in Tula, Russia. Luba became interested in performing arts when her parents took her to the Shakespeare Theatre to see Shakespeare’s Hamlet play.
In middle school and high school she played the clarinet and sang in the choir. She watched music videos and taught herself how to dance.
Recently, she finished filming a lead role in A Promise to Astrid, produced by JCFilms starring Dean Cain.
She got her start by doing shorts and documentaries. Some include: Dark Haven, Evil Twins, Murky, Pressing Issues, Please Marry Me, Blood and Circumstance, Nightmare Next Door, and I Can’t Find My Keys. She also starred in films, mostly horror such as: Sleepless Nights, Fiendish Fables, Killer Campout, and WrestleMassacre. She has a couple films in post and pre production as: A Promise to Astrid, Harvest of Horrors, and Shriekshow. Luba Hansen told Gruemonkey what it means to her to be a Woman of Horror:
Luba Hansen – What it’s like being a woman in horror films
I started acting after college and many of my IMDB credits are horror films. I met director, Brad Twigg, who introduced me to his horror films. My first project with Brad was Sleepless Nights (segment House of Profane). This was when I truly realized how much I appreciated what goes into creating a horror film. Brad and I continue working together to this day.
Being a woman in horror films is exciting! Working on multiple horror films, I realized how important women are in these films. My characters are usually the strong, willed fighter who doesn’t give up so easily. The audience watching horror films might think the female characters are the scared and weak but actually it’s the opposite. Women kick ass in the majority of horror films. Being a woman in horror films is a messy, fun job with lots of blood and gore and this will continue to entice the audience to the end of time.