The Green Elephant, 1999
The Green Elephant
The movie is set in the brig, the walls of which are painted in a poisonous green color. There fall into two junior officers, Sergei "Fallen" Pakhomov and Vladimir "Little brother" Epifantsev. So, both lieutenant begin their dialogue. The dialogue began with a discussion of various philosophical problems, as well as the stories of two army lieutenants. Afterwards, "Fallen” starts to turn the conversation in a completely different direction, telling the "Little brother" of how he first had sex with a drunken woman, about how he ejaculated at her face, and then he defecating in the sea, and also how during his urgent service he just did not become a queer...
19991 h 27 min
Female robot voice: “Tolerance level replenished. Please proceed further into film hell.”

“I remember [sic] a good things before sleep, like when I fucked a girl for the first time“

Proceed with caution
And this is the first time I’ve watched someone give head to a human trachea.
It’s so filthy, I kept gagging on my Vanilla Coke. I know most do without the help of the film but I’m just saying.