Hello my Grue-Lings,
Today I am happy to bring you a great talent. Loved her from when I first saw her in The Crow, we have the great Bai Ling.
Born in the city of Cheng Du in southern China, Bai Ling began her career at age of 14. She enlisted In the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, where she spent three years in a performance troupe entertaining soldiers stationed in Tibet. She first gained the attention of audiences when she won the lead role opposite Richard Gere in Jon Avnet‘s Red Corner (1997). She received the Breakthrough Performance Award from the National Board of Review. She also got the Discovery Star awarded by the Hollywood Women’s Press Club for their Golden Apple Awards. While developing the English language, she has worked with such filmmakers as Oliver Stone in Nixon (1995), George Lucas in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), Barry Sonnenfeld in Wild Wild West (1999), Spike Lee in She Hate Me (2004), Andy Tennant in Anna and the King (1999), Ang Lee in The Wedding Banquet (1993), Alex Proyas in The Crow (1994) and Luc Besson‘ in Taxi 3 (2003)_, in which she spoke French. She also starred in Terrence Malick‘s Broadway production of Sansho the Bailiff. She portrayed the sexy, mysterious Achara in the hit TV series Lost (2004), and was very seductive in HBO’s Entourage (2004).
Bai Ling was awarded the Asian Oscar for her brilliant performance in her first Hong Kong film Three… Extremes (2004). It also earned her an additional three major awards in the Far East. She received the Spirit Diversity Award by The Hollywood Motion Picture Association. Her film Southland Tales (2006), directed by Richard Kelly was in competition at the Cannes Film Festival.
Bai starred in and executive-produced Shanghai Baby (2007). She has worked with Taylor Hackford in Love Ranch (2010), co-starring with Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci, and had a leading role in the Jason Statham action comedy Crank: High Voltage (2009) with co-star with Jason Statham.

Hellter: Hello Bai Ling, and welcome to Gruemonkey. Very happy to have you today as a guest.
Bai: Thank you for having me.

Hellter: You were born in China, what area in China were you born?
Bai: In the southwest of China, the city called Cheng Du, a beautiful city where lots of writers and poets come from, because it’s a place people really enjoy life in the joyful and peaceful way. It is one of the country’s most richest cities, because of the climate and the cultural history.

Hellter: Sounds like an amazing place to visit. What work did your dad do as a musician and what plays did your mom act in as a stage actress?
Bai: Both my parents were in the entertainment group in the People’s Libration Army, traveling all over China wherever they were needed. My father plays violin, sings and also compose music, and my mother dances and does plays. That’s how they met, in the romantic army life. They did many famous Chinese plays as well.

Hellter: Sounds like you had wonderful parents. How old were you when you decided you wanted to be an actress?
Bai: It’s not something that I decided, but it’s my destiny. I learned to play violin and pipa when I was a child, so music is always in my heart, I sing and dance in school. I was a very shy child, almost mute. So acting becomes an escape for me, so that I can actually be true to me, but knowing it is a play on stage, so nobody would know it’s the real me, but it is the real me. Psychologically, I tricked myself cause I was so shy, but it was the real me on stage. Till today, this is still how I act but not act because it is actually the real me in the character that I am playing. Then my acting becomes so real and powerful, because there is no trick but truth, the real emotions that I am feeling and giving at the time, my character needs it, that is why it’s so good and raw, just like a child, she gives you her true her heart, there is no skills but the real fresh feelings…
Nothing can be better than the raw truth. And I am enjoying it so much, almost like a secret, it’s fun and unpredictable, even I don’t even know what’s going to happen and what am I going to do, because only when I am there at the moment, and then suddenly my body and senses just react, it’s truth. I love to take the risk and challenge the unknown, cause only then magic will born.

Hellter: Wow, that was very passionate. Did you go to acting school and what age did you become a actress?
Bai: No, I have never learned acting in my life, and I refuse to learn, because an actor’s job is to take care of the emotional journey of that person you are playing. Emotions are like a wild river, you cannot predict, control or use your logical mind, therefore you must take risks and let the real truth come to carry you at the moment, then the right emotions will come. But if you plan ahead, then that’s not real, therefore it’s not going to be right, that’s where you see bad acting, because it’s forced, not real.
I am a risk taker, because only by taking risk then magic shows up. I trust myself, and I love to enjoy and live the real raw life. I am perhaps the only person in Hollywood who does not own a television.
As an actor and an artist, the most important thing is to trust your truth and be daring to let the truth take its course, not your mind. I became an actress when I was 14, I auditioned for the People’s Liberation Army, then I got the job and became the youngest soldier there, and living in the most beautiful place, Tibet, for 3 years to entertain the troops. Love that experience because it was so tough yet very beautiful. The land of Tibet is just so magical, I think I took some of the magic back with me.

Hellter: I 100 percent agree with you. Real raw emotions should be what makes an actor. You started your movie career in China, what was the first movie you where you acted in and who discovered you?
Bai: My first movie is called On the beach. I played an innocent young beach girl who went to the big city, caught in a triangle love relationship, one is the lover her parents set up for her, the other one is a handsome city boy. The film was a big success, also very controversial. After that film, I had so many young student fans, they would come from far to wait outside of my hotel room just to see me.
But it was so hard to get the role, that was like almost 6 months of the audition process. I was chosen among thousands of young actresses in the entire country of China, through many many times of all kinds of audition processes, it was so tough, and the theater company I belong at the time does not want me to go to do the movie, because they want me to be in the play to make money for them. In the end, it was the government official who gave me the green light, because he saw my play and became my biggest fan.
The director’s name is Teng Wei Ji, one of the top influential directors in China. I am grateful forever to him, without him I would never have become the Bai Ling today.

Hellter: I am glad you met Teng Wei Ji, because you are an amazing actress. What was your favorite movie you acted in early in your movie career in china?
Bai: On the beach is one of my favorites, the film we just talked about, because it was my very first movie, and I play the lead character, therefore it was very special.
Another movie is called Arc light. I love that movie so much, because I played a mental patient, but her IQ is higher than anyone, so she is extremely twisted in her mind, because on one hand she is a genius, but on the other hand she is a child. It was tough to find the balance and to deliver that high IQ intelligence girl. How to play her? And at the same time, to other people, she seemed very odd and crazy.
But I love challenging roles, because it excites me so much and also I don’t know why or how, but I just naturally have the capacity to create the complexed mystery for her.
And my other favorite role in a China movie was the movie called Dumplings. That was a really challenging character to even understand and figure her out, she is beyond normal, but I love her so much because she was so challenging!!!
My acting in that movie won me an Asian Oscar award. I think you can find this movie on Netflix .
Hellter: You have really great movies, I can see why you won awards. A movie you did in china called The Shining Arc, you where praised for the role you had of a girl with a disorder who has an affair with her doctor. What was your experience like filming that?
Bai: Wow that was the film called Arc Light I just mentioned. I was in the mental hospital at one time at my young age. Because of that, I think in some ways I am a little bit like her, my character. I don’t understand the society roles, my mind was too free and the thoughts come to me often in a perspective that no one would understand me. I am like her in some ways are naturally genius, in other areas am a total child. So in a way I understand her completely. But it was not fun to play her, because she was controlled in the hospital by people and doctors, nurses all the time and was tortured. Every one thinks she is crazy, she can’t prove it that she is not, so they punished her. To her she is normal, but to others she is crazy. But I know that she just thinks differently from other people about things, about the universe and the world we are living. After that film, I really do think mentally something is wrong with me, or feel always like I was not from here but landed from the moon.

Hellter: Wow, that is deep. I can relate to that. I feel like I don’t belong in this society sometimes as well. When you moved to America, was The Crow your first usa movie role?
Bai: Yes The Crow was my very first Hollywood movie ever, I did not even speak English then. It was so strange in my mind, because when you don’t understand what people say it is like you are on a different planet. I was an alien, the experience was so wild because what had happened to Brandon Lee. It was very very sad and fatal. Me and him became friends. After each day we sat together next to each other during 2 hours of make up. He would teach me to play video games…. it made me treasure life so much much more of the experience with him, and confirmed that why I like movies so much. Yes, movie making is magic, because no matter what changed and happened to all of us, that very moment captured on film will always be there, and nothing will get lost or changed. That precious moment will be their sunscreen forever . That is why I love movies. Because movies can change the concept of time and space, so magical !!!
Hellter: That was really sad what happened to Brandon Lee. I’m glad you got to spend some good time with him. He seemed like a really cool guy. Your role in The Crow as the crazy half sister/lover of the main villian Top Dollar is a cult classic. So many people love your role in The Crow. Did you enjoy playing that character?
Bai: Thank you for saying that, love what you said: Your role in The Crow as the crazy half sister/lover of the main villian Top Dollar is a cult classic. So many people love your role in The Crow. (laughs) Yes I enjoyed playing her very much, because she showed me what I can do as an actress, the brilliant potential that I did not know that I have.
Before playing her I was this young innocent Chinese girl from the communist China, no one would ever think that I would be playing Myca the mystical character in The Crow, she is too far away from who I am and my life experience, I am this young communist Chinese girl grow up in China, how can I tap into Myca’s world? Almost like I am playing an alien. But somehow I got the inner power to play her, and accessed to the mysterious river of hers.
As the directer Alex Proyes says after he cast me: Bai Ling, other people may look like her, but you got the magic power inside. Thats something I am looking for.
I think for me ,I am so daring, but when you are daring to fall, daring to open the truth, then you give the opportunity for the unknown to give you life, then magic slip in, then you become the universe ’s power that you would ever known that you have.

Hellter: The Crow is my favorite movie of all time. I love it. You did really good in that film. I enjoyed your role. The Crow is easily voted as one of the best movies of all time. Do you have any good stories about being on set for The Crow?
Bai: Yes, many wonderful stories with Brandon Lee. He was my favorite, because he is so kind to me and he is so devoted to his role.
I sat everyday next to Brandon Lee while the make up artist put our stylish make up on both of us. One day he ask me: Bai Ling I heard you are Chinese, you know I am Chinese too. I was like really ?… he looked so westerner, nothing like a Chinese person, I say: No you are American, you just joke with me. He says: No I am not joking, really my father is Chinese. I say: Really? What your father do? He says: My father is a famous actor, a movie star. I say: Movie star? Whats his name? He says: Bruce Lee. I say: Never heard of him. Then he looked at me almost a little shocked and said: You don’t know him? Well, he was one of the biggest movie stars there. I go: really? almost like “are you sure?” kind of feeling in my mind. Then I was kind of feeling bad because he was so disappointed by my answer. Then that night I called my friend in New York and asked them who Bruce Lee is, then they told me. Nextday we meet again in the make up room, as usual he was nice to me and teach me to play video games again, then I stopped him and said: I know who your father is now. He goes: Really ? At that moment I see a bright light in his eyes and with a smile I said: Yes, I was ask my Chinese friend do you know Bruce Lee? My friend said: Yes, big movie star in Hong Kong. I said how come I don’t know him? Who is that? Then my friend goes: His Chinese name is Li Xiao Long. I was like Wow, no wonder. Because I did not speak English then so I would not know or recognize his English name. I see a huge relief from Brandon Lee, because he was so proud and so protective of his father.
Hellter: I love hearing your Brandon Lee story. That is so cool you got to talk to him about his father. Did you enjoy your time working with Brandon Lee and he was a nice guy?
Bai: Yes, Brandon was so nice. He was kind and worked so hard. One time we were offered Sushi late at night. Everyone was eating at the table, he walked by few times and look at the Sushi. I know he wants to eat it, but he did not, because he wants to keep his figure fit for his role. He was one of the actors so dedicated to his work. And the most sad thing was, his fiance was there everyday waiting for him, because they had planned to get married 8 days after the shooting.
Life so unpredictable yet so precious. I am lucky to have worked with him.

Hellter: Wow, I never knew that. So sad. The Movie Red Corner with Richard Gere that you where in. You won an award for best actress for that movie. How did it feel winning that award?
Bai: Yes, I won the Breakthrough Performance award, giving by the most prestigiouse National Board of Review. My friends in Hollywood told me that is a great honor, because it is the most difficult honor for any actor to get from the country’s top critics.
The ceremony was in New York, and took place at the beautiful Central Park. I remember when they announced my name, I was so nervous, because at that time I barely spoke any English, so when I got on to the stage I forgot everything that I had prepared for. This was my very first award in America. Oh my god you have no idea how nervous I was. But you know, the magic thing was that suddenly I saw Meryl Streep was sitting in the front row in front of me with a big smile on her face. Meryl Streep? Meryl Streep watched me receive an acting award? This is unreal, I almost could not believe that is her!!! I was like wow is this really a reality? If anyone knows and wants to be a great actor, then she is the one we all look up to, even in the China film industry, she is the number one. So she is sitting there, watching me receive an award for acting? But then when I saw once again she is smiling at me and patiently waiting for me to say something, then my heart moved…. I think I was in tears when I gave the speech.
I just feel once again it proved that I am a good actress and probably deserve this. I took a deep breath and thanked everyone and told them how lucky I felt to be here on the stage to receive this prestigious award in front of all the top Hollywood talented actors directors and producers. I felt so warm and moved, such nice feeling flowing into my heart, from that moment on I know I was born to do this.
Hellter: You deserved that award and that’s really cool that the icon Meryl Streep was happy for you. Is it true that your chinese citizenship was revoked because of the movie Red Corner?
Bai: I will tell you this: because I love China and my family lives there and is the place I was born and grow up with, whatever the gift and beauty and talent that I have both as a person and as an actress, it is because my country and the rich culture give to me, thats something I am proud and grateful for the rest of my life.

Hellter: In 1998, you where named one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. How did you feel about that great honor?
Bai: You know to be honest with you, I did not know what is People Magazine and what is the weight and meaning of the magazine to people, and what is the meaning and honor the 50 most beautiful people on the planet.
At that day, when the magazine came out, my manager was so thrilled and told me how happy she was for me. She was laughing jumping and hug me many times as if it is some huge news happened in the world. She asked me: Bai Ling, how come you are not excited??? Do you know what this is??? My god, this is the most… a great fantastic honor, my god you know how many people want this? And how hard it is to get this? I was like: Really? What is People Magazine? What does it mean really? She says: Bai Ling, all I can tell you is that this is it, the top honor you can get in the world, the 50 most beautiful people in the entire world and it’s on People Magazine!!! You know People Magazine is the most prestigious, papular magazine in the world. I felt at that time she thinks something is wrong with me (laughs):)) Because I come from a totally different country with a total different culture background. I really have no clue. Then I reopened the magazine and looked at my picture and smiled and said: Well she is very lucky then!!!

Hellter: That really is a great honor for someone. Good job. Your role in Anna and the King as Tuptim. Is your character really widely known in Thailand?
Bai: I would say yes. Not only that, but her story is the story that influenced many many young people about love, about the braveness of love, of the purity of love, and it is the power a young girl has even to against the King for her pure love.
It is powerful the spirit behind what she was doing and stand for. I love her because she define love. for me and for her, love is giving, is pure, is unconditional, is the most beautiful true feeling about one’s heart. It is not about power or money, but our heart’s truth. In nature, in the universe, we are all equal. This is the meaning of true love. We stand in the same ground and feel the feelings of love for each other. So Tuptim has her power to go against the King. That is a magical, courageous soul who is brave and free, who is so pure and loyal to her heart and spirit, a young girl to go against a King. Who could do that? Who has the power and guts to stand tall even death is nothing compare to true love?
That is something so beautiful and powerful that in our society, some how we lost that purity of our true heart’s beliefs.
She keeps reminding me, there is something so beautiful about love, and this is what love is: highest Pure feeling from the heart.


Hellter: That’s really cool that your huge in Thailand for that role. In 2004, you were in a fantastic horror movie Called Dumplings. Explain what the movie Dumplings was about to the American audience who hasnt seen it yet?
Bai: Well the idea of making a movie is for people to see. I would rather for people to see it then talk about it. You can find it on Netflix, or on DVD. Its a great movie, you will learn so much in that movie and you will enjoy it so much because it is also very sexy. I made my character so colorful and is one of the greatest characters on the silver screen.
The thing I can tell you is : She challenged me so much! And she is one of the characters so hard to find her core, so hard to play, She is almost so mystical she seems not real. Of course, when you see it, you will see the real character, but when I begin to play her I was like, who is she? How to even begin to understand her as a human? Producer Peter Chen called me from Hong Kong one day out of blue, and asked me to come to Hong Kong to play the role When I read the script I was like: What and how do you want me to play her? He says: Well, we don’t know, that is why we asked you to play her, because we think that only Bai Ling could figure out what to do about her. Then I was excited and said: Ok then, just let me figure something out and just trust me and let me do whatever that I want to do with her ok?. And He said: Ok!
So during the only few days of shooting, producer Peter Chen come to me with an excitement: Bai Ling, you are going to win some of the awards. I was like: Please, if I could only figure it out and finish playing her. The shooting was so difficult, because it was so hot in Hong Kong and I barely had time to sleep. One of the reporters from CNN came to set to visit me, but after like 15 minutes she left and said: Bai Ling, for the rest of my life I will always respect you for what you are doing!!! Because it was probably 100 degrees in the hot summer in Hong Kong, where we were shooting in the residential building there is no air conditioning, the meat I was holding was already stinking, the face chin they give me was itching on my neck so bad because I was sweating so much, and we still have the whole day to shoot. I was looking outside of the window to see the heated air like Salvador Daly’s painting, everything is melting. I was thinking to myself: What if I just jump outside of the window? Maybe then I will be free from this misery I am feeling right now.
But in the end I won the Asian Oscar, and also 3 other most prestigious awards throughout Asia.
One day, in an Hollywood event, I met Directer Quentin Tarantino. He stopped me and said: Bai Ling, my god I saw your film Dumplings, wow, so good! What a brilliant job you did, one of the best performance of the year!

Hellter: I’m really happy to hear how many awards you won. Great job, I love your role in Dumplings. Who cast you for Dumplings?
Bai: It was a phone call coming from the producer Peter Chen, who has produced and directed many fantastic movies in Hong Kong. One day I was actually eating in a Chinese restaurant, suddenly he called and offered me the role. Yes I want use this opportunity to thank Peter Chen for give me this wonderful opportunity to play the most mystical charecter Mei Yi.
Hellter: Mei Yi was very mysterious. How did it feel winning the Asian oscar and 3 major awards in the far east for Dumplings?
Bai: Well, I am grateful for people recognizing my talent and reward me for my work, but somehow I felt it was my destiny, because I know this is what I meant to be doing in this life time on earth, because play any kind of a character comes to me very easily, as if any kind of character to me is just like when you breathing life, and when children are playing.

Hellter: In 2005, you did Playboy Magazine. How was it like being in the playboy mansion and meeting Hugh?
Bai: Well, I am very proud that I was the very first Asian actress coming from the far east to be on the cover of the Playboy magazine. Be honest with you, I had no clue what Playboy magazine was, and I had to buy a few to look at it. Wow, it was mind blowing to see all those big boob girls, (laughs) I had to close the magazine a few times to see if anyone is watching ..
Hugh is one of the culture icons in the world and he is very intelligent and wise and a funny kind man. I still did not know till today why would he choose me for the cover???
He told me one time: Bai Ling, you are family now, the Playboy Mansion is your home, come anytime. Yes it is a mysterious, beautiful, fun place to visit, and you will have to visit once to know what I am talking about. So much fun… I respect him very much because he made a culture phenomenal .
After I posed on the cover of the Playboy Magazine, I became more cherished and open about admitting how great my body is, because we need to recognize and celebrate what we got. It is a gift we received from the creation of the universe, it’s a gift. So I am grateful for the universe’s fantastic creation on me!

Hellter: People think Playboy is porn, but it’s not. It’s a magazine that respects women and their bodies. You looked great in it. How was it like working with Joe Pesci in Love Ranch?
Bai: He is a great actor. So intense and daring, the power he has as an actor is because he is himself, he is daring to put that charismatic energy out there with whatever the character he plays. He is brave and does not give a shit about how other people will view him. When we were shooting in Albuquerque, he would rent a house, ask us all to come to party. He has a great openness that is very attractive, because he shows you who he is without asking anyone to prove. He is very comfortable about who he is, that is very powerful and attractive.
Onetime he told me: Bai Ling we all have flaws, and when you are famous, the world always will find something against you, but so what? Who cares? You just have to be proud of who you are and be you!

Hellter: He really is an amazing actor. You can learn so much from him. Did you think the action film Crank that you where in would go over as well as it did?
Bai: I love the film Crank 2. It is such an awesome movie cause it made me laugh so hard, especially watching my own role. I made her so crazy and hilarious, and the 2 young directors are even more crazier because they let me be me (laughs). But I love my character! In the beginning when I read the part I was like: well she is kind of boring, stupid and a stereotype character, then I tell myself: well, this is the opportunity for me to challenge myself and do something. So I determined I am going to make something out of her. So instead of playing her straight, I made her into a fun loving, yet kind of single-minded crazy character. It was so crazy and so much fun to be her, sometimes I could not even control myself and laugh.
I loved working with Jason Statham. I made him laugh so much and whatever I do, he will always mach up with what I do. I think we made a crazy great couple in the film. I love comedy, because it breaks the traditional road and I could go beyond the limit of what we know and believed that is normal in life. I love to play another character like that because its so much fun doing not ordinary things. For me, making film is all about fun and having a fantastic time while you are doing it.
Hellter: It does look like you had alot of fun doing the movie. You did 2 well known horror movies in the U.S. The Breed and Chain Letter. How did you like working on both films and do you enjoy doing horror films?
Bai: I enjoy my character whatever the type of the film it is. To me, if I create a great character then she lives large in any kind of film.
And in making the film Breed, my character had a wild leopard as an pet. It was a wild leopard I was acting with, can you imagine that? One scene I was lying on the sofa with the leopard, the leopard suddenly smelled me (because I was wearing literally nothing) and got so mad and attacked me. I almost got killed by that wild leopard. Wow, never forgot his eyes, how he looked at me.
Film making is so dangerous sometimes, we need to be really careful, and hope all the film production system will have great way and run to protect us actors.
Hellter: Loved both horror films. Wow, that is crazy that you almost died filming Breed. In 2013 you where in a movie called The Gauntlet. You received two major awards for your role in the movie. Best Actress at the LA Cinema Festival and 2014 Asians on Film festival. How did it feel winning these two great awards?
Bai: (laughs) I love winning acting awards, it is because for me it is a reward to get me excited to keep working, keep creating the characters that is beyond what is on the script. Actually, I did not see the final film of Gauntlet till I won the awards. I told myself I must watch the film to see what people award me for.
Yes, I am grateful for LA Cinema Festival and Asians on Film for giving me the best actress award. Thank them for the generosity and kindness for celebrating me, because by winning, they encouraged me to do more and to risk more. When I watched my character in Gauntlet, I realized people reward me for my fearless creation as an actress, the raw daring spirit behind acting, so this is something I have to always keep it in mind when I am acting. It is not what I do, but how I do it, what is the spirit and truth and conviction that are behind when I do things for my character. Be original, be real!!!
Hellter: I never saw that movie, but now I have a reason to see it. Speed Dragon won for best feature film award in New York. Describe what Speed Dragon is about and your role in it?
Bai: It is a story of the rock and roll world. I play the lead character, who is sent to please the rock star. But the thing I like the most about her is that she keeps telling the rock star to not fall in love with her.
This is something I added to the character, because of the weakness women all have, when man is a star we lose ourselves. But I am making her the opposite to let women know only when you respect yourself, then you will find a great man, then you will find your happiness.
Hollywood blinds people, you have to be strong and always remember who you are as a person, and always always keep your dignity.
Hellter: You did own that character, very impressive. I heard your a very spiritual person who believes you’re connected with the moon. Can you talk more about that?
Bai: (laughs) Yes, I landed from the moon, it’s the truth. I come to earth to give my unique talent, my gifts, to the world both as a person and as an actress. Because I see things differently, I have a very different mind set.
It is not that I am spiritual, but I believe in the powerful mysteries of the universe. There are so many things that are greater than us, there are so many things that we will never understand, there are so many things that we don’t know and cannot ever explain. And I believe that there are things our naked eyes just cannot see and understand. Tell me how you explain wind, water and fire? It is a mystery, but also it is very simple elements in nature, it is just part of nature’s living elements, there is no mystery but nature’s essence and existence.
So I come from the moon to give my gift to the world both as an actress and as a person, the gift I have is not for me to keep but to give, give it brilliantly.

Hellter: I agree with you. Sometimes I feel different from everyone else to. You make alot of sense when you talk. You had a music career in 2011 and 2012 and had a few singles. Do you still sing and do music videos?
Bai: Well, I am a natural musician, music is in my heart and soul. I wrote few songs at the time because I felt that’s something I want to do and feel it come to me, like a fire force that I have to express and capture them.
I wrote all the songs in 5 hours of time, from when I sat down writing music and lyrics to singing and recording. All the processes within just 5 hours, all by myself, and never change and rewriting it. What you hear is what comes out of that 5 hours of time. Quite fascinating to me, how could I? I have never wrote a song before or know how to record and put it all together. It was magic, I have to say.
But I know where it came from: at the time I was in love, so all the songs have a meaning and passion that I was feeling in my heart at the time I was writing it, the passion like fire, storm, it has to be expressed. But when that crazy wave and fire and storm are gone, then the desire is also gone. But you never know, I might suddenly get inspired and suddenly write a hit single.
I am a person who very much follows my feelings, walk on my journey, there is no gain and no lost, it is all nature’s process of taking my steps of walking. If I am tired I will find a place to sleep. If I am hungry I will find something to eat. If I want to pee then I will, even on the side of the road, I will pee. When my heart is on fire then I will sing and dance like a rock star to shock the world, just that simple…
See my Dragon outfit for the MTV movie award, that is my magic and spirit, make the wild fashion statement in history for the world to open their eyes to watch and admire, just like that.
Hellter: Very nice. Is there anything else you want to discuss or promote?
Bai: I want my friends and fans to fallow me@realbailingon twitter and Instagram andmy website or
Facebook .
Because I give daily fat free sugar free cookies on my site that I know you will like.
And also check me on IMDB because I have like 6 movies ready to come out, one by one just when you wake up in the bright morning 🙂
Thank you my dear friends for reading me and supporting me and loving me and my movies, I am in love with you too!!!
My today’s Cookie for you: Do not ever give up your dreams !!! Be brave and remember to always keep your heart pure!!!
Your sexy China girl Bai Ling :)))