Glenn has many accomplishments under his belt: Actor, Nominated Choregrapher, Dancer, Director, Reality Star and writer for one of the top horror news sites The guy’s done a lot. Even with all that, Glenn still manages to be a true blue, dyed in the wool, Horror Hound. The man loves his horror!
Recently Gruemonkey caught up with Glenn and asked him what his top 8 horrors were. He kindly did just that as you’ll see below.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Glenn’s directorial debut, Pitchfork, a groovy little horror film that is looking to shake the genre up.

Well it depends on the time of the year and whats happening in my life that helps me decide what my top 8 of all time horror films are but for right now I have been feeling these horror films in the 2000’s decade, they for me have nailed the genre, so here is that list.

1. Frontier(s) 2007
This french horror film has me flipping my shit! All elements in this film is at its best. The artistry of the way it was shot just makes me a happy camper. The gore is top notch. Actors are casted perfectly and the final girl kicks ass.

2. Evil Dead (2013)
I’m a fan of the whole franchise, but this reboot had a lot of pressure to deliver and I felt it did just that. Seriously some of the most gruesome scenes in horror today and that’s hard to do. Great cast and story was spot on.

3. Inside (2007)
Another 2007 horror film, a lot of great horror films came out in 2007, but this one just try and watch it with a female, she will hate you after. I love the sound design of this one actually my film I directed Pitchfork sound design is inspired by this film, so it holds a special place in my horror heart.

4. The Final Girls (2015)
I have been a fan of the horror genre since I was 13 years old, so when this gem came out last year it got rave reviews, and for good reason. It’s a slasher horror fans wet dream. I don’t usually like horror comedy but this was just to perfect for me not to love.

5. The Loved Ones (2009)
This aussie horror had me at the trailer, with the track ‘Love Hurts’, the two lead actors give a outstanding performance in their roles, and the twist in this horror had my mouth wide open in shock.

6. I Saw The Devil (2010)
This film is like the Silence of the Lambs of Korea. It is a emotional roller coaster of a horror, with plenty of scare moments. The classic evil vs good blended with revenge makes this film one of the genres best.

7. The Descent (2005)
A group of women kicking ass? Sign me up. I’m a sucker for strong women characters in horror, so when you put a all female cast in a scary movie you got me at the front of the line. To think that there is these creatures under the ground is something I been saying for awhile, so I dug it, now lets talk about all the water monsters we haven’t discovered yet! But this film had great action, great scares, great cast, great back story, and super creatures.

8. You’re Next (2011)
Loved this film, considered a comedy horror on IMDb, but don’t see humor in it at all. Just a great horror film, with lots of characters, that means bigger death scenes! Great final girl. Loved some of the death scenes, and great twist at the end of the film.
Ahhhhhhh do I really have to do just 8?! What about top 15?!!! Wait top 20!!! I can’t leave out Them, Stake Land, REC, Trick R Treat, The Host, American Mary, Kidnapped, The Orphanage, Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Jessica my woman crush, how about the new Lights Out or Trains to Busan sooooooo good! I can’t leave out my classics that scared me as a kid… Salems Lot, Burnt Offerings, Friday the 13th, Invasion of the Body Snatchers… I can go on and on and on….lol!