Andrew E interviews (Director) Craig Fisher
Gruemonkey’s Andrew E sits down to chat with director Craig Fisher.

Andrew E: What does being a film director mean to you, and what inspires you to direct?
Craig Fisher: Being a Director means everything to me. I knew from the age of 4 that I wanted to be involved in Film. When I was a kid I’d go to Drama, and I would write short stories, mainly Horror. As I got older, Stories turned into scripts, and my love of Drama developed into wanting to be behind the camera. My main inspiration for Directing comes from my love of Horror and wanting to make films that I grew up on, and scare and excite audiences the way I felt when watching Horror.
Andrew E: Putting you on the spot, and I know as a filmmaker all your creations are your babies, but which of your short films are you most proud of and why?
Craig Fisher: Hmmn… That is a hard one. If held at gunpoint, I would say Night Mære. This short is more personal to me as I’ve always suffered from Sleep Paralysis, and for years I knew I wanted to make a film about my experiences.

Andrew E: Obviously horror is a theme of your work, where did this passion come from?
Craig Fisher: Michael Jackson’s Thriller! I saw this when I was about 4, and straight after the music video, the Making Of played, and I saw and understood that it wasn’t real, and I became fascinated by the SFX and all the Behind the Scene goings on. That moment birthed my love of music, MJ, Horror and definitely helped form parts of my personality.

Andrew E: Being a director, you have tackled various themes across your short films, is there a theme you want to develop further or delve into you haven’t yet been able too yet?
Craig Fisher: I would love to develop Night Mære and The Midnight Jester. Both films have really great, solid Horror characters that I know have more stories to tell. And more so a genre, than a theme, but I want to delve into a Slasher.
Andrew E: What’s your opinion on the UK independent horror scene (I ask this as a director in the UK myself).
Craig Fisher: I think UK horrors are pretty strong. Films like Eden Lake, Cruel Summer, The Descent – they’re all very scary films. I think we British know how to make a good Horror! Obviously, you have the silly films, like Robert The Doll films, and a load of films riding off the back of a Hollywood Horror – but usually, if you watch a British Horror, you can pretty much guarantee some kind of quality, regardless of its budget. Some recent Indie Horrors that stand out are Possum and The Ritual.
Andrew E: As you have won some prestigious short film awards what advice would you give other up-and-coming filmmakers?
Craig Fisher: I don’t think I’m in a position to really give any groundbreaking advice, but I’d just say get your work out there. Send to as many Film Festivals as you can. Aim for smaller Festivals, as the bigger ones seem to get Political sometimes. There’s a load of great Horror Fests that are free to enter or a much lower price than the bigger Fests.
Andrew E: What is next project wise for you? where can people follow your work?
Craig Fisher: My next project is very Funding Dependent. I have an 80’s LGBTQ+ Christmas Horror set in Wales, written up and ready to be filmed. But the project is bigger than my micro-shorts, so I need some funding to move forward. If I don’t get funding, or whilst I wait for funding, I may knock out another zero budget micro-short – I have a sequel written up to one of my earlier shorts, Angelystor.

Andrew E: What is your take on the LGBTQ horror films out there, as there seems to be more coming out, and would that be something you’d consider doing?
Craig Fisher: I don’t think there’s enough! But I am seeing more and more on the Film Festival circuit. But I want to see more! And yes, it’s definitely on the cards for me – I’m hoping to write and develop an LGBTQ+ Slasher film, set in London during the ’80s.

Fun quick fire round!
Andrew E: Who is your biggest horror crush?
Craig Fisher: Erm… I don’t know! I mean, there’s been a few over the years! From Robert Brian Wilson’s Billy to Skeet Ulrich’s Billy to most of the cast of The Covenant but 😂 I’d probably choose Eli Roth. He’s probably more Horror than the others, being a Director and all.
Andrew E: Favorite horror film, divided into two categories overall favorite and best in past 12 months?
Craig Fisher: I can’t really choose an overall one, I have at least, a Top 5 in every subgenre. But if I had to throw one out there, I’d maybe choose, Fright Night. Or Poltergeist. Or Creepshow. Or NOES 3. Ok, I’m going to stop there! In the past 12 months, I have LOVED The Ritual, and Incident In Ghostland.

Andrew E: If you could direct a sequel in any franchise, what would it be and why?
Craig Fisher: I would LOVE to direct a Freddy sequel. He was my first Monster Love! Always been my favorite. A few people commented on Night Mære, saying The Hag felt very Freddy Krueger, and her long fingers were certainly inspired by Mr. K.
Andrew E: What’s your favorite line from a horror movie?
Craig Fisher: Bit cliched, but probably ‘Welcome to Prime Time, Bitch!’
Or… ‘Cut It Out Evil, It’s NOT funny!’ – I was always obsessed with that line for some reason. Something to do with how Amanda Bearse delivers the line! And my Sister and I would always randomly shout it out to each other at random times!
Andrew E: Snog, Marry, Avoid – Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, and Chucky?
Ohhh… Erm… Snog Michael Myers, he’s fucked up enough for my liking. Avoid Vorhees as I have a problem with his Mother Issues. And marry Chucky, cause that marriage will be bat shit crazy and fun!
Watch some of Craig’s brilliant Masterpieces:
You can view more films on Craigs YouTube Channel – search Craig Fisher.