Hellter Interviews Sharon Smyth (Sarah Collins from Dark Shadows)!!
Hello Grue-Lings,
I bring to you today a name from the past. Anybody who was a fan of Dark Shadows tv series knows who little Sarah Collins is, she is played by our guest Sharon Smyth. My mom Theresa loved this show. Her and her brother, My Uncle Anthony. She told me when she was a kid, she would run home from school every day to watch Dark Shadows. She said back then she was scared of Barnabas. Dark Shadows is a tv series that is timeless and it means alot to old school people like my mom. I am so happy I got to interview Sharon because this show meant so much to my mom. Sarah was also involved in horror shorts called Ghoul’s Night Out, Stay Hidden, and Jest. In 2017 she was in a thriller film called The Dark Military and now has a film in pre-production that she is in called Shadows of the Forest. Please welcome little Sarah Collins all grown up now, Sharon Smyth:
HELLTER: What was it like working with Jonathan Frid…Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows fame?
SHARON: Jonathan was a serious stage actor, with a great sense of humor and command of an audience.
He was ever the professional, while at the same time able to laugh at himself and put others at ease.
Especially me! I was 10yrs old at the time, and there were times when I was anxious about forgetting lines or doing something wrong, and he was always quick to give me advice in a very gentle, fatherly way. He was a large man, with a sometimes booming voice…but, he never scared me, not even when he was in full makeup.
HELLTER: He was an amazing actor. How did you learn of the audition for Sarah Collins, and how did you secure the role?
SHARON: At that time, I had been doing modeling, voiceovers, print ads, and commercials for almost 5yrs… so I was very used to the auditioning process, and it was just “another one”. The first audition consisted of many little girls of all shapes and sizes. The second audition was just me…and one other girl. I don’t know this for sure, but I think I may have got the part because I looked more like a “Collins”. She was blond, I was dark haired with freckles. Like I said, not sure…just feel that way.
HELLTER: For those who have never seen the original Dark Shadows, or know who Sarah Collins is, can you give us an overview?
SHARON: Dark Shadows was the first Gothic soap opera, it ran from 1966 to 1971 and there are over 1200 episodes. There were love stories, family secrets, ghosts, werewolves, witches, vampires, etc. First daytime serial to deal in the supernatural…and people LOVED it! Barnabas Collins was the main character that most were drawn to, because he was a reluctant vampire. He hated what he had become and what he had to do to survive, but he had no choice. Most related to his vulnerability, his being forced to keep a BIG secret, his being an outsider…misunderstood. I was his little sister, Sarah, who died at 10yrs old…and has returned to admonish him for his bad deeds.
HELLTER: Me and my Mom both loved it and you can still watch it online. What drew you to the character of Sarah, and what drew you to the Dark Shadows show?
SHARON: In all honesty, I had never heard of Dark Shadows, it was just another audition.
Wasn’t I a fortunate little girl?!
HELLTER: You sure were (laughs). What was your favorite scene, or favorite moment, while on Dark Shadows?
SHARON: Hard to pick just one, but I would have to say, my dying scene. It was the last time we see little Sarah. You see, I started on the show as a ghost…then, they went back in time to 1795 and explained how she died. It was an intense scene, very intimate, not one you easily forget.
HELLTER: Yeah I know. Who was your favorite character on Dark Shadows, and why?
SHARON: Obviously, Barnabas…Jonathan Frid, but I also thoroughly enjoyed Willie…John Karlen, and Ben…Thayer David. These men were bigger than life to me when I was a little girl, but they always impressed me how funny they were and how they spoke to me with the respect you give to a fellow actor and not like a bother.
HELLTER: Everyone on that show was amazing. My mom told me that her and her brother and the kids around there street would all run in the house every day to watch Dark Shadows. Why do you think the show was so popular back the, and still is today?
SHARON: There are actually bumper stickers available that say “I ran home from school to watch Dark Shadows!”. I think that’s great! I have heard this SO many times! As I said earlier, there was nothing like this on daytime t.v. This was definitely not your average soap opera! It was mesmerizing, it was suspenseful, it had dark moody music, and a little bit of scare to it. Back then you couldn’t binge watch, you had to watch it every day to keep up with the many twists and turns in the story line. And waiting from Friday afternoon until Monday afternoon, was torture…they LOVED it! Even first time viewers now, as adults, become lost in the fascinating story lines, and curious characters. It doesn’t have the slickness of Hollywood, or the enhancement of CGI…and in this case, that’s a good thing. It’s like watching live theater…anything could happen, and you don’t
want to miss it.
HELLTER: I can see why so many people got drawn into the show. It’s good. In Dark Shadows, many actors returned to play different characters on the show, why did you only get to play Sarah?
SHARON: Well, I don’t know for sure, but some have guessed it was because of my growth spurt. Hard to explain why a ghost was changing so much so quick. Believe me, I would have loved to have the chance to explore another character.
HELLTER: I’m sure your fans would have loved to seen that to. Do you still talk to any of the cast from Dark Shadows?
SHARON: Yes! We may not see each other often because of living on opposite coasts, or busy work schedules…but when we do get together we are family…Collins family.
HELLTER: That’s so awesome you all stay in touch. Why did you decide to retire from acting so early, at age 13?
SHARON: To be honest, I became a miserable teen who no longer wanted to smile when I was told to, or cooperate when I just didn’t feel like it. Hormones…bad attitude. I just wanted to hang out with my friends, so my parents didn’t push, and said ‘fine’.
HELLTER: I understand. That life is hard on a kid and teen. After all those years of being retired from acting, what drew you to come back in the acting world for your role in On A Country Road?
SHARON: I think that once you are bitten by the acting bug, it may hibernate…but it is always there.
In my late 20’s, early 30’s, I had a blast doing community theater… and I have some friends in the
independent film industry, that encouraged me to get involved after I turned 50 yrs old. Go figure,
it’s a lot of fun.
HELLTER: I’m glad you found your way back to entertainment again. Was it difficult being a child actor?
SHARON: This is a question that I have gotten MANY times, and I like answering it…because I think it is very important. My experience was great! No horror stories. I was in the business from 5 yrs old until 13 yrs old, and I had many, many, exciting and educating experiences. I met lots of people, and was always accompanied by my mother. I was a very ‘normal’ kid…my parents made sure of it. No one ever pushed me to do anything that I didn’t want to, and I had so much fun!
HELLTER: I am glad to hear that. Anything else you want to discuss or promote? Thank you for being our guest today.
SHARON: You are welcome. Thank you for having me and thank you fans or keep on thinking of me and supporting my work.